Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sleeping and Smiling and Talking

I am so fascinated by how fast Cayden is growing and changing! He is really long now. I don't know exactly how long, but definitely getting longer- he fits into 3 month old clothes now, but newborn diapers still fit. So that tells me he is getting longer but not chubbier. Last night he wore monkey pajamas that I'm pretty sure Auntie Crystal and Uncle Eddie bought him. It is adorable. He wore it one of his first nights home from the hospital. Last night was probably the last night he'll be able to fit into it! It still fit, but he could barely straighten his legs and the sleeves were a little short. Also, I've been putting him sideways in his crib so I can stand over him and look at him full length when he's sleeping. But now his legs are about to touch the side of the crib, so he'll have to start sleeping the normal way. And I feel like I'm holding him differently now. I have to use both arms to cuddle with him unless his head is on my shoulder.

Not only is he growing a lot, but he's starting to reach all those famous milestones! Last night I decided to try putting him into his crib while he was still awake and see what happens. He stared at me for a while and then his eyelids got heavy, he started breathing loudly, and he fell asleep. If I made any noise or tried to walk away he woke up and started crying, so I had to pick him up to calm him, but then put him down again before he fell asleep. It only took 20 minutes until he was asleep and stayed that way. He woke up 5 hours later so after feeding him I did the same thing...I've been really bad about letting him fall asleep while nursing and wasn't expecting him to go to sleep on his own so quickly! Again, it took probably 20-30 minutes of him falling asleep and waking up crying before he fell asleep all on his own.

Cayden smiles all the time now! It still might be reflexes or him just building the smiling muscles, but it definitely looks like he is focused on something that makes him smile. He looks away then looks back at the same thing and smiles again. I took a super cute picture of him smiling, but I haven't learned how to post pictures yet! I'll add it when I figure out how.

He started cooing on Monday. He was in my co-worker Chenel's office while I was bringing a client into my office and I heard him start making these adorable noises and Chenel started laughing. It seemed like the more she laughed and talked back to him the more cute little noises he made. Now he does it regularly throughout the day. So adorable!

He really is an amazing baby! All moms say that about their babies, I guess. But he is definitely a good one! Lately he's been crying a lot...A LOT and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Is growing pains a real thing? It's obvious by his appetite that he's going through a growth spurt. I also bought him those simethicone drops to see if that would help. Yesterday and today he has been totally calm! I've gotten SO much work done today and he has gone between taking naps and waking up and playing in what seems like even cycles. Just giong off of these 2 days he's becoming more predictable and easier to understand. He is still demanding as ever...screaming until his face turns purple when he wants to be held differently or have his pacifier put in his mouth. Even if this calmness is just an accident and tomorrow he goes back to make us question colic,he's still growing up too fast. I'm enjoying watching him mature to becoming less and less helpless.

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