Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Allan's first full day alone....

Allan recently remembered that he is able to take two work from home days every month. Today was his first! So I'm at work right now amazed at how focused I've been all is probably the first time ever that I crossed off everything on my to do list! I'm done with everything and still have an hour left to be at work! Since Cayden's been born I learned that I have to do things very quickly to be able to finish them.

So Allan is at home with Cayden. Now that I think of it, this post is actually pretty mean and once Allan reads it I'll probably be in trouble. I'm definitely excited for him to be able to spend so much time alone with Cayden- I've been afraid of turning Cayden into a momma's boy (not that there is anything wrong with that) but today they get to bond. But...I'm also secretly hoping Allan will see how hard it is to get things done with the baby and he will see me for the true superwoman that I am.

1 comment:

  1. First, welcome to the world of blogging! I'll add you to my link list of "blogger friends"! Second, I loved the last sentence of your entry .. I started to laugh! The first time I left Kelty with Al for the day I was secretly hoping the same thing! I know Al always appreciated my work at home with Kelty but "being in my shoes" for the day totally opened his eyes! I'm so excited to follow your journey with Cayden on your new blog! Whoohoo!!! He's adorable!
