Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 19, 2010

I love Montessori!

STILL waiting for the computer to get fixed! I think today we'll find out if our property damage claim was accepted. I'll be soooo angry if it's not! But really, I don't know how to actually prove that our things broke as a result of the power problems.....stressful! One day I will post pictures instead of writing so much boring stuff.

Today I'm thinking about how much I love Cayden's school. His teacher, Ms. Diana, is so very thorough. The other day she told me there was a little bit of dry skin between two of his toes. Crazy thorough! It's been almost two months and I still am sad every day when I pick him up because I didn't know what he did all day. I didn't get to see all his smiles. Or hold him when he cried. And I know he's learning new things that I don't even know about yet. After talking to Ms. Diana monday at our first parent-teacher confernence and a few other times this week, I feel so much better. Monday she went through this long long list of things that he is doing and things that she is working with him on. She also covered things that she'd like us to do at home with him. I like having that cohesion, like school can be an extension of home instead of home being an extension of school. I know how structured his school is. Yesterday Ms. Diana apologized to me because his eating schedule was off by 10 minutes. She was really serious about it and was very irritated at the teacher who fed him late!  I can tell by seeing other kids on the playground or in the windows of their classrooms that what his school is teaching actually works. Times when I've gotten there early to pick Cayden up and they didn't already have him ready for me I've been able to witness kids being disciplined as well as kids being praised. It is exactly how I would eventually like to treat Cayden myself. Plus, seeing schoolwork posted up of 3 year olds doing reading and comprehension amazes me every time. So I tell myself to back off because his teachers obviously know what they're doing. Most of the teachers have been teaching 20+ years and have been at that school since it opened. So I trust their techniques and judgments. But at the same time it kills me because I want to be involved. So I talked to Ms. Diana about this dilemma and now realize that I am taking their separation between home and school way too literally. I feel sooo much better. There is absolutely no other school or daycare that I would have put him in. And no other faculty that I would trust him more with.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO HAPPY that you found such a great place for Cayden to go to school ... sounds PERFECT! I know it's hard to let him "go" during the day ... I feel that way when I drop Kelty off at school just 2-days during the week! It's so strange not being his "influence" for those couple of hour and I miss him every second that he's there!
